Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Communication Models

The three basic components to communication are as follows, Linear, Interactive, and Transactional Models. Linear originally described by Harold Laswell in 1948 and later refined by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver in 1949. The Linear model is based on a “one way” process, one person acts onto another. This also called Transmission model which the communication is transmitted straightforward, sender to receiver. The downside to this model, noise interference and it is too simplistic for the complexity of human communication.
Linear Model

Interactive model, rather than the linear model with the one-way approach, this model gives the listener a response. Wilbur Schramm in 1955 added feedback to the linear model, feedback is a response to a message. Communicators create and interpret messages within personal fields of experience. The more fields of experience over the better understanding, this clarifies why misunderstanding sometimes occur.
Interactive Model

Transactional model, this model overall is an improvement to the linear and transactional models adapted from J.T. Wood in 1995. This model indicates that both people can be the sender and receiver. People can communicate simultaneously, while the speaker is listening and the listener is speaking. Communication with people evolves over time, when people first meet and then get to know each other the interaction and communication changes.
Transactional Model

The communication process in these models I think are missing is personality differences and similarities. Some people are easier, who are more open and interact with people and some that are more inverted and harder to communicate with. Even though the transactional model does say as you get to know people communication with those people changes, and is more prevalent to how we all communicate than the others, I don’t believe any of them mentions personalities.

The Ecological model of communication, which collaborates the other forms of communication using language with in media, "who" creator and "to whom" the consumer of the message, the creator reply or supply feedback to other people and learn how to create messages through the act of consuming other peoples messages.

Ecological Model

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